Monday, September 22, 2008

Diamond found in Lesotho among largest ever

Diamaond is the hardest object in the world! It's the King of all Gem stone and is most Wanted! For your information, the world largest polished diamond is named Cullinan I or the Great Star of Africa, and at 530.2 carats (106.04 g). It was the largest polished diamond in the world until the 1985 discovery of the Golden Jubilee Diamond, 545.67 carats (109.13 g), also from the Premier Mine. The second largest gem from the Cullinan stone, Cullinan II or the Lesser Star of Africa, at 317.4 carats (63.48 g), is the fourth largest polished diamond in the world and is part of the British crown jewels, as it forms a part of the Imperial State Crown. Now,Gem Diamonds, a London-listed mining firm, said on Sunday it had recovered a 478 carat diamond from its mine in Lesotho: the 20th-largest rough diamond ever found. After it is being polished, it is said that this newly found gem will break the record of the polished stone's very best colour and clarity.

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